“Blogging from the East Coast (Blog Entry 1).”

Hi everyone! My name is Lauren and I’m from Larchmont NY–suburban town 30 minutes outside of the city. I’m an English major and I’ve just begun my last semester at CU. Upon entering college, I knew that I wanted to be an English major because any free moment I had, I was either reading a book or writing. Studying to become an English major allowed me to turn my passions into concrete studies. For the past five summers I’ve been interning at Brant Publications in Manhattan. I work for the production department for the four magazines that make up Brant Publications. I’m an extremely organized person so I fell right into place in the production department. I love the deadlines for each issue, the organization needed to keep things running smoothly, and the fast past routine that makes up every workday. I’m currently talking to my boss about a full time position at this publications!

I decided to take all online courses this semester so that I could live in NY and get a head start on looking for a full time job. I needed three classes to graduate, so when I was looking at the list of online courses available, Writing on the Visual Arts really stood out to me! I really enjoy spending time and writing on topics that excite and intrigue me. Throughout my college career, I took a great deal of art and art history courses. I took the intro art history courses, upper division art history courses, as well as a studio arts class. I decided to take these courses in order to get a better appreciation for the artwork that I go to see in museums. Growing up in Manhattan, a big part of my life was spent in countless museums. My perfect Saturday would be spent getting lost in the MET or the MOMA. To me, visual arts consist of paintings, sculpture, drawing, movies, comics, monuments, and concerts. Visual art is what drives our society and gives people joy in life. Especially now, when the economy is so bad, visual arts takes people away from there troubles, and allows them to get lost in something other than work or real world drama.

I would say rhetoric is the study of language and how to use language in a persuasive way. Rhetoric consists of either speaking or writing in a way that captures the audience or readers. I don’t think I can safely call myself a rhetorician but I would love to be able to someday! I do enjoy creative writing, and I would hope that my writing would interest people, but I still have a lot more practice and critiquing in my future. Recently, I started a blog on healthy/peaceful living. Eating right, exercising, and keeping my mind healthy and active, are some of the most important things in my life right now. My friends and family are very aware that I’m so conscious of these things, and they insisted that I make a blog to share what I know. Starting a blog has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done! Although I’m a new time blogger, it’s a wonderful thing that I can mix my passion of writing with my passion of living a healthy life. I’m beyond excited to take this course because I believe that it truly fits what I’m doing right now in my life, and it will help teach and guide me for my future goals.



5 responses to ““Blogging from the East Coast (Blog Entry 1).”

  1. Hi Lauren, its nice to meet you! What is the weather like in New York right now? I am so jealous that you moved to the city!! I have only been to New York a couple times but I adore the city! I am insanely jealous that you can spend your weekends strolling through the Smithsonians and walking around the MET….some of my most creative artistic ideas have been sparked while on visits to museums; I frequent the Denver Art Museum as often as possible!

    Similar to you, I am taking all of my courses online this semester as well so that I can hold down a full-time job. It’s taking some getting used to but I think I am getting the hang of it! What other classes are you enrolled in? i agree with you when you say that visual arts allow people to escape their real world problems and take their minds off things such as our piss-poor economy. It not only is a visual outlet, but a physical one as well! I encourage everyone to create something artistic every once and awhile! Its good for the soul!

  2. Hi Kacy, nice to meet you too! Yesterday was a beautiful day here in NY–sunny and pretty warm (light jacket weather). Today is going to be in the 40’s…so can’t complain!! It’s really nice being back home in NY. I love boulder, but I felt it was time to head back to the East Coast and try and take on the big apple. That’s great that you get to the Denver Art Museum often! I’ve only been there twice, but it’s a great place and fun to explore.

    Along with this course I’m taking a communications, technology, and society class, and a music in american culture course. What about you? Thats really wonderful and inspirational that your taking online courses and have a job. I need to really buckle down on the job hunt! I took three online courses this summer and I really enjoyed them.

    I hope you make it back to NY soon–sounds like you would really take advantage of all this city has to offer. Do you have a facebook? If so, you should friend me; I recently gave in to society and got one!

  3. Hello there. I admire you’re up and out there attitude! I find that even though I love art and know that’s what I want as a part of my life, I have no idea which direction I want to go directly after school. But I there is time to figure that out, right? Keep that ambition up and you are sure to go big places!

    I also agree that art can be an outlet for people but may not totally agree that art gets our minds off the real world problems. For some yes it is an escape but for a lot of artists it’s actually an outlet to speak on those problems, to place their opinion on those problems, or even just a way of working those problems out in their minds through art in order to keep peace in their minds.

    I have a wonderful place in my heart for NY. Never been but would love to go. Coming from small town Iowa, there wasn’t much cultural community near by. Someday I’m going to have to spend a lot of time in the Big Apple just walking from museum to gallery. Enjoy it while you can!

  4. Like what everybody is thinking, I’m also jealous that you live so close to the big city! It sounds like this is a very exciting time in your life and that you have several doors open just waiting for you to walk in. If you have the time to comment, I’d love to hear more about what you do for Brant Publications. I’m also an English major and have been thinking about what some of my options could be in the future. I hope you are able to land a full time position. Sounds like a great opportunity! I like how you said that art is a good tool for people to find joy in life. I completely agree. I think that mediums such as painting, photography, film, etc are ways for people to discover who they really are.

  5. Hey Lauren. Thats really cool you have been to eldo. Most people live in boulder for years and don’t even know it exists. I guess there isn’t much climbing to do out there in NY, huh?
    I have a hard time doing anything that people would constitute as art, but when i say that creativity is essential to people i really mean that we are doing creative things all the time and don’t realize it. You may not produce a lot of “art” yet, but i am sure there are many creative things you are already doing at your job or for fun on a daily basis. You just don’t call it art… Anyway, good luck with bringin’ out the creativity this semester.

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